You can make your single property website more informative by adding demographics information. You can add the demographics information from any site that you prefer, in this example we will use Yahoo real estate demographics.
3. The resulting screen will show several data tables (Quick Glance, Weather, City Demographics, etc.). Place your cursor in the blue area on top just before the Title (in this case before the S of "San Francsico Neighborhood Profile", then hold down your mouse button and drag all the way to the bottom of the table to select the tables you wish to use. Then press CTRL - C to copy.
4. Now log in to your RealBird account, go to the "Listing Marketing" section using the blue top navigation bar and click on "Edit Property Info" for the listing that you are working on.
5. In the Property Info Editor open the "Neighborhood" tab by clicking on the blue Neighborhood bar:
6. Now paste the copied information into the editor with CTRL-V and then click "Publish" or "Save as Draft" as needed.
NOTE: You may add any text or additional information on top or below this using the built-in WSYWIG editor.